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2. Country Mouse, City Mouse.

Marian Charles is a tragic and beautiful young war widow. She is from Oklahoma, but married a Connecticut boy (Tommy Charles) who soon afterward went off to war and never came back. Now she clings to the memories of their short, happy life together in the tiny township of Emery, Connecticut.

She can't go back home, and she feels lost in this new world she has come to love. She is living on autopilot, working as a librarian. She is, among other things, in charge of story time for the small children at the nearby K-4 school. Does it ever dawn on her how much she has in common with Sleeping Beauty in the melancholy fairy tale she reads to the children? Her shining knight is a successful young businessman named Rick Moyer.

She is a country mouse, while he is a city mouse. Several times a week, he races past one-stoplight Emery while underwriting big contracts in New York City, Boston, and Hartford. Then, one day, he stops in Emery for nourishment. He has no idea how thirsty he is for the elixir Marian has to offer—if she can ever awaken from Sleeping Beauty's slumber.