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Clocktower Books Authors A-Z

Author: Deborah Cannon

Tales of the Raven Trilogy

Author: John T. Cullen

(Separate Website)

Author: Renée Horowitz

Pharmacy Sleuth Trilogy
(and other novels—see right of this page)

Author: Robin Marchesi

A Small Journal of Heroin Addiction

Author: Merlyn Norris

Wind Trails on the Water
(Ozarks Yarn/Autobiography)

Author: Fay Nedra Zachary

…Cradle and All

Renée Horowitz Spotlight

Renée Horowitz Our prolific author has published at least six works of fiction with Clocktower Books. With the following links, we'll jump you to four separate pages with further browse/buy links at the Amazon website. Four books belong to the Rx Mysteries (three sequential novels, and then all three in one volume). Plus, René has written a stand-alone mystery for us (The Write Way to Murder). Finally, there's this sharply visualized, fictionalized memoir (Bitter Moon over Brooklyn) sprinkled with true to life observations from her youth in the Big Apple. Here's the line-up for your convenience, each with a link to its own page:

1. The Pharmacy Sleuth Trilogy (Rx Mysteries)

Trilogy (Three Novels in One) The fabulous Rx Mysteries by Renée Horowitz are available as a trilogy in one volume, or as separate novels. You'll fall in love with clever, attractive young pharmacy sleuth Ruthie Kantor Morris as she solves crimes impacting her business inside a major Scottsdale, Arizona shopping destination. Like Agatha Christie's Miss Marple and similar famous-brand sleuths, our pharmacy detective gives you the cozy mystery thrill you love. See next listing for the four separate novels.

2. The Rx Mysteries (Pharmacy Sleuth Trilogy)

Book 1: Rx for Murder
Book 2: Deadly Rx
Book 3: Rx Alibi

3. The Write Way to Murder

Tech Writers at Love and War. Expert aerospace technical writer Marlene Dreyfus is pulled into a deadly vortex of danger and murder. When a colleague engineer is stabbed and left to die in a company hallway during the busy workday at a major industrial plant, can Marlene sleuth the murderer before he or she strikes again?

4. Bitter Moon over Brooklyn

Serious Soaps by Moonlight. Life in the Mediterranean Arms, a luxury apartment building in Brooklyn, is at times like living in a soap opera. It's the 1970s—women were still called 'girls', and many filled their days gossiping about their neighbors. When a beautiful young widow, Marion Davis, is attracted to dashing Neil Kramer, the attraction seems mutual. Marion believes Neil will make her life exciting again. More info#&133;